Saturday, April 30, 2011

Darwin Stephenson

Our life is the union of the Body, Spirit and Mind but it isn’t often that all three of our entities experience the same path to completeness. Sometimes the Body is sick, but the Spirit is at an all time high. Or possibly your Mind is sharp as a tack, but your Body is struggling. When we experience ourselves as a singularity of consciousness, the comingling of our Body, Spirit and Mind is difficult to understand. But when we distinguish between the three, it is easier for us to see the cycle that is playing out in our lives.

With the goal to grow the Body, Spirit and Mind into balanced union towards completion, life would be so much easier to manage if our three entities were in perfect synchronicity. However, for most of us, the Spirit may be rising, but the Body is dropping and the Mind is flat-lining. Or the Body is rock solid, but we’re Spiritually bankrupt and the Mind has never experienced the nurturing it craves. With the three out of synch, our efforts to make our lives better never seems to garner the impact we expect.

As a result, is it any wonder that we hear stories everyday about perfectly healthy people dropping dead from a heart attack? Or being dismayed to find out that someone committed suicide when they appeared to have it all together? With our three entities not operating as a team, our efforts to nurture one of them in isolation is a futile exercise that often ends without achieving the results we desire.

If this cycle were unbreakable, then life would have very little meaning. Without the ability to change the course of our lives, we could do little more than hang on and wait for our next lifetime and hope that it is better. But this cycle is not only breakable, but breaking this cycle is instrumental in both you and God attaining enlightenment.

Whoa? God attaining enlightenment? You’re probably asking yourself how that would even be possible with God being God? Isn’t God already enlightened? When we envision enlightenment, we tend to think of this experience connecting us to the Divine. God is all knowing and by way of us connecting to God, our enlightenment will bring with it an understanding that is Divine. So if that is the case, then how could God possibly not already be enlightened?

To understand, consider that before there was a Universe or Humanity there was only God. In this state, God was complete, all knowing and perfect. In this singular state, God’s love was less than it could be. With only God and no other, love could not be shared and thus was not the full embodiment of love. And so God created the Universe and brought forth life. To do this, God took part of himself to make what we now experience as the Universe and Life.

In this selfless act, God allowed himself to be less than complete in order to expand love. By bringing forth life capable of loving and embracing God’s love, God sacrificed his completeness for us. He created a Universe that sustains life so that we could exponentially bring more and more love into the world. In return, we provide God with original creations that expand collective consciousness and fascinate his all-knowing nature.

However, we should not think of God as being satisfied with his creation. His bringing forth of the Universe and Life is the means by which love grows, but our purpose is tied to his original intention. God’s hope for us is that we will become complete so that he too can return to completion. - Darwin Stephenson, from my book Inspiration Divine

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