Friday, April 19, 2013

Give us this day, Lord, our daily miracle.
Even if we are incapable of noticing it because our mind is focussed on great deeds and conquests. Even if we are too preoccupied with day-to-day life to know that our path was changed by it.
And when we are sad, help us to keep our eyes open to the life around us: a flower opening, the stars in the sky, the distant singing of a bird or a child’s voice nearby.
Help us to understand that there are certain things so important that we have to discover them without anyone’s help. And that we should not feel alone and helpless, because You are there with us, ready to intervene if our feet go perilously close to the abyss.
Help us to continue onward despite the fear and to accept the inexplicable despite our need to explain and know everything.
Help us to understand that Love’s strength lies in its contradictions and that Love lasts because it changes and not because it stays the same and never faces any challenges.
And to understand, too, that each time we see the humble exalted and the arrogant humbled, we are witnessing a miracle.
Help us to know that when our legs are tired, we can keep walking thanks to the strength in our hearts, and that when our hearts are tired, we can still carry on thanks to the strength of our Faith.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

I am certain of nothing but the holiness of the heart's affections, and the truth of imagination.
- John Keats

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Meditation Is Mastery

The society gives language; the society cannot exist without language. Human society is an outgrowth of language; there are no animal societies because they have no language. Language creates the society. Society needs language; existence doesn’t need it. Existence can be without language; society cannot be. So I am not saying that you must be without language – you will have to be with language. But this mechanism must be a mechanism which can be put on and off.
When you are a social being the mechanism must be on: the mechanism of language. Without this you cannot exist within society. But when you are with existence, the mechanism must be turned off – and you must be able to put it off, otherwise the mechanism is mad. If you cannot turn it off – and it goes on and on, and you are not capable of putting it off, then the mechanism has taken hold over you – then you have become just a slave to the mechanism, to the instrument. Mind must be used as an instrument, and not as a master. It has become the master.
Mind as master is the non-meditative state. You, the consciousness as the master, is the meditative state. So meditation is mastering the mechanism, the mind.