Friday, January 4, 2013


Imagine you walked into your room to find your twin sitting where you were sitting. Working on what you were working on.

Except.. He’s not working like you were working, nowhere near. He is NOTHING like you. Infact, the STRENGTH you feel just by being in his presence, makes you whisper to yourself, “woah”.

He has a look in his eye, an uprightness to his posture and a spiritual energy that tells you, without any words spoken that he is getting what he wants. Whatever it is. Full stop.

Your hairs stand on end like you just came across a Lion, and he’s staring right at you about to pounce. But you’re twin is not even looking at you. He has no awareness of your presence. He is focused.

You know at this point that you’re looking at something very strange. The likes of which, you have never seen live, in the flesh, before.

He is not even an alpha male. He is something much bigger, much stronger than that.

He is greatness.

You get a sense standing next to him, that this is what it must have been like to stand next to Alexander The Great, Winston Churchill or Napoleon Bonaparte in their prime.

But he is not them. He is you, down to the bone. There is nothing in him that is not in you.

You know this.

I know you do, deep down, we all do.

Despite this, the question always seems to remain.

Why aren’t you that guy?

The answer is FEAR.

The only thing separating you from that guy is this four letter word. That’s it.

So now decide.

Go and be that guy.

Written By Leo Pantero

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