Thursday, March 31, 2011

"Just listen and be open to the Divine guidance. It is always there for us. Pray not for help, for it is not needed. Pray for guidance, for instructions how to reach what seems to you to be His help. God is teaching us the musical notes and how to play the tune with the instruments in our hands - our life and us. Now, we can read the music and play it, the music of our lives.

The answer will come, eventually, in the form of a good advice or a timely instruction, a suddenly clearer perception of the problem, of the circumstances surrounding it and of your own abilities to solve it. It may come, also, in the form of a most providential circumstance, though coincidence it will be not, for this providential happenstance was there in the scheme of things, in the grat plan of things, of the Universe, from the beginning of time. It had just waited for the set moment, which was about to come, to materialize itself. Therefore, it is not help, but a tool to use, put in our hands for the advancement of His plan." - Dan Barkye

Darwin's Perspective: During my 21-days of enlightenment, I was immersed in the connective wisdom that flowed to me in response to my questions. Instantly connected to the divine connection that is present to all of us, I was like a freshman in college given unfettered access to a divine library. During this time, I became accustomed to asking a question and receiving an answer. As you can well imagine, I was quite amazed by this interaction and quite enjoyed receiving answers to life's most challenging questions.

But once in a while I would receive an answer which was not tied to my question. I would receive this seemingly irrelevant information and wonder, "Why did I receive this information? This doesn't have anything to do with my question." Trusting in God, I moved forward and included this information along everything else I was given.

And then the most peculiar thing happened. In asking a different question, I received an answer that answered multiple questions. Moreover, the answer would have made no sense without the prior information provided.

My conclusion? We are temporal beings (time oriented) that understand life through our logical Mind's way of thinking. Whereas God is not constrained by the dimension of time, we are constrained by time and thus need information to be in the proper order for us to understand.

Thus when you reach out to God for guidance and question why your life is the way it is, consider that you're on a path to something greater that would only be possible or understandable by way of your current situation. In orienting you towards your divine purpose, your Spirit is channeling wisdom to you from collective consciousness and introducing experiences into your life. In the present moment, this wisdom and experience may not make sense or be enjoyable. But in trusting God, know that you're here for a reason and this life experience has meaning.

You matter and your life is not circumstantial. Seek to find your purpose from the experience of life. The signs are all around you. Listening is all that is required.


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