Monday, April 11, 2011

Happiness Quote

‎"The most successful people are those who do all year long what they would otherwise do on their summer vacation." -- Mark Twain

Brainy Quotes

There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. Yet that will be the beginning. - Louis L'Amour

2012 - The Message of MAYA

The message of the Maya

Click on the image above to view the video

Sunday, April 10, 2011

I choose to live

I choose…
to live by choice, not by chance;
to make changes, not excuses;
to be motivated, not manipulated;
to be useful, not used;
to excel, not compete.
I choose self-esteem, not self pity.
I choose to listen to my inner voice,
not the random opinion of others.

Inner emptiness

“As I see it, almost everybody is in the wrong place. The person who would have been a tremendously happy doctor is a painter and the person who would have been a tremendously happy painter is a doctor. Nobody seems to be in his right place; that’s why this whole society is in such a mess. The person is directed by others; he is not directed by his own intuition.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Inspirational. Aspire to be what you want to be and believe in yourself no matter what.

A truly jaw-dropping inspirational commercial that captures your attention. P&G haircare brand Pantene and ad agency Grey Worldwide in Thailand have created a four-minute ad that features a young hearing-impaired girl who wants to learn to play the violin. The tag line at the end of her amazing journey—and, naturally, the end of the ad for Pantene Chrysalis Shampoo—sums it up nicely: You can shine.

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience”

Friday, April 8, 2011

An Old Celtic Blessing

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

A Celtic Prayer

May God give you…
For every storm, a rainbow,
For every tear, a smile,
For every care, a promise,
And a blessing in each trial.
For every problem life sends,
A faithful friend to share,
For every sigh, a sweet song,
And an answer for each prayer.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Dream

A dream is like a baby; care & nurture it. Protect it from all external forces as it is very delicate & it may perish. Make it grow until it can stand on its own. Once that happens, set it free so that it can venture out fearlessly & there is nothing in the world that can harm it. And that is the day to wait for!!!

- Abhay Chauhan

I Wish...

            How I wish I were the gentle moonlight,
            that brings out your beauty.
            How I wish I were the wind that,
            Softly flows across your face.

            How I wish I were the raindrops,
            Falling on your face gently touching you.

            How I wish I were the flower that,
            You kiss with your lips.

            How I wish I were the note of music that,
softly touches your heart & soul.

But all these things last but for a few moments,

And I wish you were in my arms,
Here & now & we are together forever.

                                                                 - Abhay Chauhan

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Body & Soul

In the middle of a storm, a pilgrim reaches an inn and the owner asks where he is going.
“I’m going to the mountains,” he answers.
“Forget it,” says the innkeeper, “it’s a risky climb, and the weather is awful.”
“But I’m going up,” answers the pilgrim.”It is my dream”.
“If my heart got there first, it will be easy to follow it with my body.”


"Meditation brings rebellion in life — rebellion against all traditions, conventions, dogmas, creeds, rebellion against the whole past, because unless you are completely clean of the past you cannot be totally herenow. And unless you are totally herenow you will never know what the truth is." Osho

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Osho On No-Thingness :

"Only nothingness can be infinite; somethingness is bound to be finite.

Only out of nothingness is an infinite expanse of life, existence, possible - not out of somethingness. God is not somebody: He is nobody or, more correctly, nobodiness. God is not something: he is nothing or, even more correctly, no-thingness. He is a creative void.

Never for a single moment think that nothingness is a negative state, an absence, no. Nothingness is simply no-thingness. Things disappear, only the ultimate substance remains. Forms disappear, only the formless remains. Definitions disappear, the undefined remains.

The awakening of a buddha is total. In that total awakening there is a luminous awareness surrounded by a positive nothingness. It is not empty, it is overfull. Things have disappeared... and what has remained is inexpressible. We try to express it as blissfulness, as ecstasy, as eternal joy, but these are just faraway echoes of the real thing." Osho

Living Without Fear

I feel an armor around me that keeps me from coming closer to people. I don’t know where it is coming from. How to have it melt away?

Everybody has that kind of armor.

There are reasons for it. First, the child is born so utterly helpless into a world he knows nothing of. Naturally he is afraid of the unknown that faces him. He has not yet forgotten those nine months of absolute security, safety, when there was no problem, no responsibility, no worry about tomorrow.

To us those are nine months but to the child it is eternity. He knows nothing of the calendar; he knows nothing of minutes, hours, days, months. He has lived an eternity in absolute safety and security, without any responsibility, and then suddenly he is thrown into a world unknown, where he is dependent for everything on others. It is natural that he will feel afraid. Everybody is bigger and more powerful, and he cannot live without the help of others. He knows he is dependent; he has lost his independence, his freedom. Small incidents may give him some taste of the reality he is going to face in the future.

Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated by Nelson, but in fact the credit should not go to Nelson. Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated by a small incident in his childhood. Now history does not look at things in this way, but to me it is absolutely clear.

When he was just six months old, a wild cat jumped on him. The maidservant who was looking after him had gone for something in the house; he was in the garden in the early morning sun and the fresh air, lying down, and the wild cat jumped on him. It didn’t harm him — perhaps it was just being playful — but to the child’s mind it was almost death. Since then, he was not afraid of tigers or lions; he could have fought a lion without any arms, with no fear. But a cat? That was a different affair. He was absolutely helpless. Seeing a cat he was almost frozen; he became again a six-month-old small child, with no defense, with no capacities to fight. In those small child’s eyes that cat must have looked very big; it was a wild cat. The cat may have looked into the eyes of the child.

Something in his psyche became so impressed by the incident that Nelson exploited it. Nelson was no comparison to Napoleon, and Napoleon was never defeated in his life; this was his first and last defeat. He would not have been defeated, but Nelson had brought seventy cats at the front of the army.

The moment Napoleon saw those seventy wild cats his mind stopped functioning. His generals could not understand what had happened. He was no longer the same great warrior; he was almost frozen with fear, trembling. He had never allowed any of his generals to arrange the army, but today he said, with tears in his eyes, “I am incapable of thinking — you organize the army. I will be here but I am incapable of fighting. Something has gone wrong for me.”

He was removed, but without Napoleon his army was not capable of fighting Nelson, and seeing the situation of Napoleon, everybody in his army became a little afraid: something very strange was happening.

A child is weak, vulnerable, insecure. Autonomously he starts creating an armor, a protection, in different ways. For example, he has to sleep alone. It is dark and he is afraid, but he has his teddy bear, and he believes that he is not alone; his friend is with him. You will see children dragging their teddy bears at airports, at railway stations. Do you think it is just a toy? To you it is, but to the child it is a friend. And a friend when nobody else is helpful — in the darkness of the night, alone in the bed, still he is with him. He will create psychological teddy bears.

It is to be reminded to you that although a grown-up man may think that he has no teddy bears, he is wrong. What is his God? Just a teddy bear. Out of his childhood fear, man has created a father figure who knows all, who is all-powerful, who is everywhere present; if you have enough faith in him he will protect you. But the very idea of protection, the very idea that a protector is needed, is childish. Then you learn prayer; these are just parts of your psychological armor. Prayer is to remind God that you are here, alone in the night.

In my childhood I was always wondering.... I loved the river, which was just close by, just a two-minutes’ walk from my house. Hundreds of people used to take a bath there and I was always wondering.... In summer when they take a dip in the river they don’t repeat the name of God He will create psychological teddy bears “Hare Krishna, Hare Rama” He will create psychological teddy bears no. But in the cold winter they repeat, “Hare Krishna, Hare Rama.” They take a quick dip, repeating, “Hare Krishna, Hare Rama.”

I was wondering, does the season make a difference? I used to ask my parents, “If these are devotees of ‘Hare Krishna, Hare Rama,’ then summer is as good as winter.”

But I don’t think that it is God or prayer or religion; it is simply the cold! They are creating an armor with “Hare Krishna, Hare Rama.” They are diverting their minds. It is too cold, and a diversion is needed — and it helps. In summer there is no need; they simply forget all about what they have been doing the whole winter.

Our prayers, our chantings, our mantras, our scriptures, our gods, our priests, are all part of our psychological armor. It is very subtle. A Christian believes that he will be saved — nobody else. Now that is his defense arrangement. Everybody is going to fall into hell except him, because he is a Christian. But every religion believes in the same way that only they will be saved.

It is not a question of religion. It is a question of fear and being saved from fear, so it is natural in a way. But at a certain point of your maturity, intelligence demands that it should be dropped. It was good when you were a child, but one day you have to leave your teddy bear, just the same as one day you have to leave your God, just the same as one day you have to leave your Christianity, your Hinduism. Finally, the day you drop all your armor means you have dropped living out of fear.

And what kind of living can be out of fear? Once the armor is dropped you can live out of love, you can live in a mature way. The fully matured man has no fear, no defense; he is psychologically completely open and vulnerable.

At one point the armor may be a necessity...perhaps it is. But as you grow, if you are not only growing old but also growing up, growing in maturity, then you will start seeing what you are carrying with you. Why do you believe in God? One day you have to see for yourself that you have not seen God, you haven’t had any contact with God, and to believe in God is to live a lie: you are not being sincere.

What kind of religion can there be when there is no sincerity, no authenticity? You cannot even give reasons for your beliefs, and still you go on clinging to them.

Look closely and you will find fear behind them.

A mature person should disconnect himself from anything that is connected with fear. That’s how maturity comes.

Just watch all your acts, all your beliefs, and find out whether they are based in reality, in experience, or based in fear. And anything based in fear has to be dropped immediately, without a second thought. It is your armor. I cannot melt it. I can simply show you how you can drop it.

We go on living out of fear — that’s why we go on poisoning every other experience. We love somebody, but out of fear: it spoils, it poisons. We seek truth, but if the search is out of fear then you are not going to find it.

Whatever you do, remember one thing: Out of fear you are not going to grow. You will only shrink and die. Fear is in the service of death.

Mahavira is right: he makes fearlessness a fundamental of a fearless person. And I can understand what he means by fearlessness. He means dropping all armor. A fearless person has everything that life wants to give to you as a gift. Now there is no barrier. You will be showered with gifts, and whatever you do you will have a strength, a power, a certainty, a tremendous feeling of authority.

A man living out of fear is always trembling inside. He is continuously on the point of going insane, because life is big, and if you are continuously in fear.... And there is every kind of fear. You can make a big list, and you will be surprised how many fears are there — and you are still alive! There are infections all around, diseases, dangers, kidnapping, terrorists...and such a small life. And finally there is death, which you cannot avoid. Your whole life will become dark.

Drop the fear! The fear was taken up by you in your childhood unconsciously; now consciously drop it and be mature. And then life can be a light which goes on deepening as you go on growing.

Osho, Beyond Psychology, Talk #33

To continue reading,– and see all the available formats of this talk: click here

“Me” versus the Mob

Yes, we are part of each other. Not only is humanity one, existence is one. This oneness can be felt on two levels: one is in deep unconsciousness and another is in superconsciousness. Either you have to become a tree; then you are one with the whole. Or you have to become a Buddha; then you are one with the whole. Between the two you cannot be one with the whole. Consciousness is individual, unconsciousness is universal; superconscious is universal, consciousness is individual....

Why do people feel so happy in a crowd? Why does happiness in a crowd become so infectious? Because in a crowd they fall down, they become unconscious. They lose their individuality, they merge their individuality. By dropping their consciousness they drop their individuality. Then they are happy, then there is no worry, then there is no responsibility....

That’s why I say don’t become a member of a group. Otherwise you will be as low as the lowest member. Become individuals. In a group you will always fall to the lowest denominator. It is natural, it is very scientific. If you are walking with a group of one hundred people, the slowest person will decide the speed. Because the slowest person cannot move faster, he has his limitations. And if the group has to remain a group, the group has to move with the slowest. The faster person can slow down, but the slower person cannot become fast; he has his limitations.

The group is always ruled by the stupid person. The stupid cannot become intelligent, but the intelligent can relapse easily and become stupid. And of course, stupid people tend to make groups because alone they cannot rely on themselves. They are afraid, they don’t have any intelligence. They know that alone they will be lost. They tend to make groups, crowds. So whenever a church exists, whenever a sect exists, ninety-nine percent of it consists of fools. It has to be so. They decide policies of religion, politics and everything.

Beware of this mobocracy and be alert. Because in you also there are moments, stupid moments, when you would like to relax. Then you are not responsible, then there is no worry. Then you can always throw the responsibility on the group. You can always say, “What can I do? I am walking with the group, and the group is slow, so I am slow. The lowest member is deciding everything.”

If you really want to grow, be alone. If you really want to be free, be responsible. Hence I insist on individuality.

Osho, The Discipline of Transcendence, Vol. 1, Talk #2

To continue reading, – and see all the available formats of this talk: click here

I walk on my own path. I may be alone but its ok. At least i don't follow the crowd.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Would anyone know the difference?

A friend tells me the story of a father who took his two boys to play mini-golf. At the ticket office he wanted to know the price.

- Five coins for adults, three for those over six years. Under six years entry is free.

- One of them is three, the other seven. I’ll pay for the oldest.

- You are silly – said the ticket seller. You could have saved three coins, saying that the oldest was under six; I would never have known the difference.

- That may be, but the boys would know. And they would remember the bad example for ever.

Friday, April 1, 2011

In our Minds, the communications of our Body, Spirit, and Mind are commingled into a singular understanding of ourselves. Through our Minds, we have experienced life up until this moment and thus it is sometimes difficult for us, as human beings, to decouple the separate and distinct parts of us from the whole.

Do you feel pain when pricked by a needle?
Do you feel pain when your heart is broken?

While both of these pains are real, they emanate from two different places (the Body and the Spirit). Both are interpreted by the Mind and stored for future reference so that the being (you) can avoid the same pain in the future. Consequently, emotions are often harbored in your Mind, even though the Body and Spirit have moved on.

We can move beyond a physical existence to a Spiritual existence and, in the process, free ourselves from the stored memories that no longer do us any good. In collaboration with our Body and Spirit, the energy that flows through us can both nurture and bring us to a new understanding of our sensations, emotions and thoughts. Rather than simply experiencing each one, we can bring ourselves to an active participation where they become the language of enlightenment.

In this language, we will become in tune with the voice of God and be able to listen to the messages being broadcast to both mankind and our individual being. No longer will we seek answers, but only find half-truths. In harmony with the Universe, God and Humanity, we will find that we are closer to the truth than we ever imagined. - Darwin Stephenson, from my book Inspiration Divine